Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Checking in

 I've been debating with myself over whether or not to publish personal details. I've been thinking about it and it would actually be kind of nice to avoid that, but at the same time there are quite a few things I'd like to write about that would entail those details being written out as well. Time will tell I guess. 

Since it's been about a week I figure it makes sense to try and keep these things on a schedule. Even if there isn't much to write about or talk about really. I've been watching the anime this season, quite a bit of it. A lot of the series that are new starting out this year are pretty great, and the ones that are continuing from last year have also been fun. Except Vinland Saga, I haven't watched any of that just yet because I think I wanna save that to the end of the season and then binge watch all of it. Really I think I'm just waiting for a friend of mine to finish the first season so we can watch it together. 

Work has been work. Been a bit busier lately as my boss is out of the country and he is generally the only one helping me keep the queue trimmed back. At least the rest of the week should go quickly, as i've noticed happens when you spend every day super busy. Thats also about the time I make more mistakes though, so I've really been trying to focus on not freaking out, keeping calm, and just working on ticket at a time. The queue can get kinda hairy sometimes and I'm so used to getting hollared at (well, we all do, it's never directed only at me) when things start piling up.Enough about work. 

I've been thinking of writing out my technobabble whining here too, and if thats the case then be prepared for a post every day. On top of my job I also tend to work on little projects around the house, sometimes for everyone, sometimes just for me. There aren't very many of the latter to be honest, but sometimes I find something interesting that would be helpful or fun for me to work on that literally no one else would use or cares about at all. Sometimes it's just nice to have a place to get all the stuff out of your head that would normally just bore everyone around me to tears until they just stop listening. Which is something that definitely happens every time something breaks or i upgrade something or i start working on a new project for something neat to use at home.

There has been a new development in the ol' home life though. In december one of our cats had to go to the vet, which was costly, and now requires special food, which is also costly. We were running out so before we were totally out I called up the vet for a refill, and they ddnt have any. Neither did their recommended site, or it's main competitor. So I called the vendor, who directed me to a new supplier, who did have the food, but need the prescription from my vet before they could send it out to me. So I called the vet, they havent refilled the prescription yet. Super. So I've just been trying to get the cat to eat all the wet food I can stuff into him and I havent replaced the dry food. Thats the special kind only, not buying any more of the normal stuff at all. Mr Kitty is doing just fine for now, but I dont want him to return to feeling and acting the way he was a moth ago. 

Already I almost feel like this thing is getting a little more structured. Or at least I'm trying to keep thoughts together rathr than just rambling until I'm done with it. One of the things I'm working on, or trying to work on, is to be able to return to writing cohesive ideas out. Most of the time I get distracted or run out of steam, then completely abandon a project. I've not had many projects like that because i tend to give up before i start now, knowing that it'll just be another half finished pile left on my front lawn. 

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